Friday, August 14, 2009

Had a visit with the Radiation Oncologist. Actually I will not see him till Monday after which I will update this blog. Monday I go in for what they call the scan. This where they take measurements, for a head fixture, feed parameters into their machine, set up levels, etc. A

After that I suspect I will have aschedule for the radiation. treatment. More MOnday


  1. What is going on with us, big brother?

  2. The radiation puzzle ...... All the measurenents etc. Im sure you will need to wear a real attractive helmet with all your precise(!!!!) measurements on it.

    Maybe even some tatoo's.... but you never thought you would have those.

    This will be your longest appointment - after that it will be longer to get a parking spot and walk into the clinic, than it will be for your radiation appointment.

    I think once you start radiation - you will see an improvement to some of the problems your still having.

    I know before I started radiation (2nd time ) my hip hurt so bad - that I could barely function and it hurt the worst ever ( they started me on oxycotin then ) And after just two days of radiation the pain was almost gone.

    Keep us posted.... Your in my thoughts and prayers DAILY.....

    Love Robin
